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Maha Shivratri 2024 fasting rules: Dos and don’ts; what to eat and avoid

Maha Shivratri 2024 fasting rules: Maha Shivratri, one of the most auspicious nights for Hindus and particularly a special occasion for Lord Shiva devotees across the country is almost here. From Kashmir to Tamil Nadu, the festival is celebrated with unique traditions and great dedication by Hindus. Maha Shivratri is most important of all Masik Shivratris that are observed every month. The festival falls on the fourteenth day of the dark (waning) half of the lunar month of Phalguna or Magha, a day before the new moon. Observing a day-long fast on Mahashivratri is of great spiritual significance as it is equivalent to worshipping Shiva the entire year and can also help one attain salavation and absolution of all sins. No wonder the festival finds mention in several Puranas including Skanda Purana, Linga Purana, and Padma Purana. (Also read | Maha Shivratri 2024: List of puja samagri, bhog items needed for the festival)
Fasting is known to purify body and mind, raises alertness levels and prepares one to worship the lord with utmost dedication. While some devotees choose to fast without food and water, many others stick to vrat-friendly foods include like sago, millets, pumpkin, potato, makhana, arbi, banana, yoghurt to name a few. It is important to avoid wheat, rice, salt, certain vegetables, pulses and other such foods. Non-vegetarian foods, onion, and garlic must be strictly avoided on Maha Shivratri even by those who are not fasting.
Lord Shiva must be offered bel patra, dhatura fruit, raw rice, milk, curd, sandalwood, ghee and water to get blessed with success, prosperity, peace and happiness. Additionally, sweets made with milk and its products like barfi, peda, and kheer are offered to the lord.
